Monday, October 3, 2016

Lava Hiking Trail Star Party Pictures

These are the photos I took at the hiking trail.  You can share them on the club site.
Tuesday, Dave Spencer and I went out and took some shots.
Picture #1 is the dark nebula, Barnard’s E, in Aquila. The bright star is Tarazed. It was with a Canon 60D for 5 min at 6400 iso through a 200mm lens at f/3.5. I also got a shot of the Helix Nebula through a 70mm. It turned out pretty small.
Friday, at the Club’s Star Party, I re-took the Helix Nebula at prime focus through my GPS 11” at f/6.3, for 3 min with the 60D at 6400 iso -- Picture #2.
Picture #3 is the Witches Broom in the Veil Nebula complex in Cygnus. It was taken with the GPS 11” at f/6.3 through an UHC filter. The bright star is 52 Cygni. It needs a lot more exposure time.
Thanks, I love the Club’s star parties. Ron Pugh

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Camas Star Party Pictures

      Attached are 5 pictures I got at the Camas star party.  Can you share them on our Club's site for me?
The first is M-16, Eagle Nebula through my C-11 at prime focus f/6.3 for 2 minutes at 3200 iso.
Number 2 is M-8, Lagoon Nebula at f/10, 3 minutes at 3200 iso through the C-11.
Number 3 is M33 in Andromeda on the C-11 at f/10 for 3 minutes at 3200 iso.  It could have been much better with a longer exposure.
Number 4 is the North American Nebula in Cygnus with the camera riding piggyback through a 210mm telephoto at f3.5.
The last is of NGC-391 galaxy in Andromeda on the C-11 at f/10 and 2 minutes at 3200 iso.  This one could have used a MUCH longer exposure.  It is pretty grainy. It was 3:30AM and I didn't feel like shooting it again.  I'll redo it at the next Craters star party, Sept 2.
Thanks, Ron Pugh

Friday, June 10, 2016

Craters June 2016 Photos

We had a great sky Friday night, didn‘t we? I hope your Saturday was as good. Attached are 4 of the pictures that I took. Please send them out to the Club.
Number 1 is M-104 Sombrero Galaxy. I used a Canon 20D on all the pics. This was on the C11 and through a 19mm Teleview WF eyepiece projection for 1 minute at 3200 iso. I did a poor job centering it.
Number 2 M-5 in Serpens, also used a 19mm Teleview WF eyepiece projection for 30 seconds at 3200 iso
Number 3 M-20 Trifid Nebula C-11 at prime focus f/10   2 minutes at 3200 iso
Number 4 Saturn. I couldn’t get a clear shot at 20 tries so I over-exposed it and went for the moons. After I got home I set my ipod’s Saturn app on Friday evening at 1AM and got the names of the moons that showed up. Titan is the bright one at 10 O’clock. In closer at 9,10, and 11 O’clock are Rhea, Tethys, and Dione. On the opposite side of Saturn, at 2 O’clock is Enceladus, deep in the glow of Saturn and barely visible.
I had another good shot of M-97 Owl Nebula but I accidentally deleted it while deleting some of the Saturn shots. Oh well --- next time.
Ron Pugh

I found my deleted picture of M-97 Owl Nebula in the recycle bin.  Here it is.  You can add it to my shots from Craters Star Party.  I also see an edge-on galaxy, one nebula diameter above the Owl and some nebulosity next to a star one Owl diameter below.  The picture was through a 19mm eyepiece projection on my C-11 for 3 minutes at 3200 iso.
Thanks, Ron